Athos mom sent us this great set of pictures with him! He is 8 months old, is from Bistrita and is a friend of Pilus, from Cluj :) As you can see, he is becoming a joung man and wants to meet young pug-ladies :)
So Athos, me and the other puggies are expecting you and Pilu in Bucharest, for our PGT (pugs get together), as soon as the weather gets better :)
Have a great stay in the club! Please all welcome Athos!
Pugs & kisses
Cioco- The PUG
We like his shirt and tie - he is sure to attract some nice young pug ladies!
RăspundețiȘtergerePugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Athos..you are a cutie. We just love your little outfits. Careful the fashion police don't come by. We think the tie may clash with that cool shirt. BOL
RăspundețiȘtergereBenny & Lily
Pugs are so cute. We're the best pets!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereCe ziceti de o intalnire sambata asta? Am vorbit cu mai multa lume si vor sa ne vedem? Voi puteti?