Here I am, with mommy in the kitchen. She is cooking something.. I don't know what but it's smelling good. I like very much to watch her :) Maybe there is a little something for me too..
But what's that strage object on my cozy fur on the floor ?! I don't like the smell.....
Now the kitchen is emply... but I still hope for some treat :)) I never give up!
Hanging in the kitchen is a good way to spend part of a day. You'd be providing a great service to your mom -- cleaning up anything that falls to the floor! But for your being there, you should indeed get a little treat!
Eu sunt Cioco a.k.a. Baboo si cu mine o sa aveti de-a face pe acest blog. Mie cel mai mult imi place mancarica, da, e pe primul loc.. apoi sa ma plimb cu parintii mei prin oras si sa ma joc cu alti caini mici, mai ales puguti.
Pe aces blog o sa va prezint: parintii mei, prietenii mei si prietenii lor, vreau sa apareti si voi, alti mopsi din Bucuresti din Romania ( stim bine ca suntem o minoritate .. inca... dar asta este ... toate lucrurile bune sunt rare, nu-i asa ?! )
Asa ca daca vreti sa fiti prietenii mei, sa apareti aici, sa ne facem auziti si chiar sa socializam prin parc, astept pozele voastre pe
V-am pupat pe portofele!
We can't believe that you didn't get a treat! We are always looking for scraps to fall in the kitchen! :)
RăspundețiȘtergerePugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hanging in the kitchen is a good way to spend part of a day. You'd be providing a great service to your mom -- cleaning up anything that falls to the floor! But for your being there, you should indeed get a little treat!
RăspundețiȘtergereAwww too cute. Pugs are always looking for treats :)