vineri, 30 octombrie 2009

Meet Tara & Jerry! Two cute pugs!

Here we share a basket... it's just for the picture ;)

I'm Jerry.. and that's my girl behind me...

here we are in our love bed..... you can tell by the hearts on our blanket :)

I'm Tara and I'm the first black pug on Ciocos blog :)

Now.... one last shot and there we go!
Hi guys,
these tow adorable pugs are Tara and Jerry and their mom is a colleague at work of my mom....
We never met yet, but hopefully we will some day.
So please welcome our new frineds!
Cioco The Pug

miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

We love you Cookie!!!

Here I am, as a baby! ( sweetest babypug ever seen :)
For a better view, click on the picture, make it bigger and scroll down !!! It's amazing :)

In the parc, where I love to be and play with my pawls Cleo, Cioco, Pongo & co.
Mom took here a great pic of me..

Here you can see me playing with Pongo. The's a sweet guy, althought he's not a pug ;)
Let me introduce you to Cookie, our new friend from the parc. She's a friend of Cleos, so I've met her. As you can see, her mom sent us some ausome pictures.. especially the picture where she was still a baby. She won also a award with this picture at the " My funny pet"-contest.
Welcome Cookie! We're glad to have you here!
Pugs&Kisses for you all

joi, 22 octombrie 2009

Me & mom and the parc

I can't wait to get to the parc ... com' on mommy... hurry!!!

Now it's time.... for my walk !

So what are we waiting for ?!

Chill on the banc...

smelling the air....

Ok. Take the dam picture and let's go !

and..... what are u ????

Oh gosh... I love this kind sooo much ! they're like me.. just a bit bigger ;)

sniff sniff.... I like that !

yeeeeh......... beeing out in the nature..... it's soo me ;)

Me & Danutza... ;)

Don't worrie... I'm not scared. she loves me ! she told me that ;)

One great saturday in the parc ....

hi all, there are some pics with me and my pals hanging out in the parc on a beautiful saturday. i just love the paaaaarc.

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

Welcome Pilu, our new friend!

Is this Pug cute or what ?!
El este Pilu, are 3 anisori si este din Cluj-Napoca. Ne-a trimis poze si vrea sa ia legatura si cu alti puguti.
Parintii lui ne-au spus ca are probleme de respiratie mai "ciudate", dar noi putem sa-i linistim... toti mopsutii sunt la fel. :) Si Cioco parca e racit mereu. Asta este un defect al rasei lor, din cauza nasucului foare mic.
@ alti stapani de pugi: Daca ne puteti da sfaturi, pareri sau chiar ati auzit de vreo sotutie prin care s-ar putea imbunatarii problema asta a mopsilor, va rog lasa-ti comentarii.
@ other pug owners: if you have any good advice or know about any solution for the breath difficulties that most of the pugs have, please let us know.
We are thankfully waiting for your opinion.

duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

Un set proaspat de poze foarte frumoase cu Cleutza!

She is Cleo, but you already met her at Ciocos friends. She and Cioco are best friends and on saturday they plaied in the parc. Cioco simply adores her :) We all do.

vineri, 9 octombrie 2009

Coco vs. Cioco!

Il astept pe unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei. Coco este numele lui de scena. Trebuia sa vina in tara de la inceputul lunii septembrie insa nici pana acum nu a ajuns. Ba spune ca vine marti, ba joi, ba sambata. Babu il asteapta si el si a decis sa il sensibilizeze printr-un mesaj pe blog. Cel din poza nu este coco insa asta am gasit cand am dat "Coco" pe google.

Globalizarea Babei!

Baba a socializat cu mai multi pugi din intreaga lume. Si deja le urmareste evolutia pe blogurile lor. Pug-ul urban de lipscani a interactionat deja cu fratii lui din america, olanda si uk. Yoda and Brutus sunt primii prieteni ai babei de peste ocean. In afara de aceast socializare globala Baba a stat acasa toata ziua si s-a bucurat de prezenta parintilor sai care au fost liberi. S-a plimbat pe magheru si pe la universitate, a ajuns apoi acasa unde a pus stapanire pe bolul cu mancare si a ros osul lui magic in pat alaturi de familie.